SSI revolution: Social Security removes barriers to monthly SSI benefits

SSI beneficiaries will be able to enjoy a new, larger SSI benefit check thanks to changes in Social Security regulations

SSI payments

SSI payments

The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program in the United States has recently experienced a dramatic transition, which promises to help millions of Americans who already get a check as well as those who have not yet received one. Social Security administers SSI, which offers vital financial assistance to those with impairments, blindness, or those over the age of 65 who have limited income and resources. This recent change seeks to reduce administrative barriers and promote equity in access to monthly payments.

Effective September 30, 2024, the Social Security Administration stopped treating informal food assistance as unearned income. This means that help from friends, family or community networks will no longer negatively impact eligibility calculations or the amounts recipients get. This adjustment marks a step toward simplifying the process and eliminating unnecessary complexities. Thanks to this change many Americans will get a little extra SSI money and others who did not qualify before will now be able to qualify.

How does this change impact SSI beneficiaries?

Through this change, the Social Security Administration is directly impacting SSI recipients. Until now, getting food informally from third parties has been included in unearned income, but this will no longer be the case.

Through this new rule, SSI recipients will have to report less information, so it will also greatly simplify the SSI application process. Furthermore, having fewer things to verify allows the Administration to process all of the data more quickly.

This reform also demonstrates Social Security’s commitment to making it easier to get financial assistance, removing barriers that previously complicated the lives of those who require it. In other words, more Americans will be able to receive SSI. The objective is that many more people will be able to take use of the benefit without having to worry about how their loved ones’ support may influence their eligibility for this additional monthly payment.

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