The Social Security Administration sends payments of $1,800 to retirees in this group to replace the fridge if they need it

In January, thousands of United States citizens will be able to get a Social Security check to buy what they need

The Social Security Administration sends payments of $1,800 to retirees in this group to replace the fridge if they need it

The Social Security Administration sends payments of $1,800 to retirees in this group to replace the fridge if they need it

If a United States household needs to replace the refrigerator and collects a Social Security check, it is possible that in the next few weeks the Administration will send the new payment so that the purchase can be made without major concerns. However, there are some mandatory requirements that must be met.

In order to be able to enjoy this monthly benefit in January 2025, we must already have the benefit accepted from before. That is to say, it is not possible to have the Social Security check in process and get it within this month. Therefore, we can forget about having the money available if the Administration has not yet accepted our retirement application.

Who will get the next Social Security check?

This new Social Security check will arrive on the 8th day of January 2025. The payment of this benefit may reach a maximum of $5,180 in this year 2025, but that does not imply that all Americans will get this benefit. In the case of the average payment it is likely to be above $1,800. Mind you, each retiree gets a totally different check.

In order to get this January 8th Social Security payment it is necessary to:

Meeting both requirements is enough for the Administration to send us a check so we can buy whatever we need, whether it is a new refrigerator or any other type of household appliance.

How do I increase my Social Security check?

If we feel that our Social Security benefit is too small, we should try to increase it. However, at the time we apply for a Social Security payment, we will no longer be able to get a larger check, but we have to set up the payment before we retire.

So, in order to get the biggest check within our means, we must retire as late as possible, work for 35 years and have a high salary. These three elements are the key to getting the highest monthly payment possible.

Those Americans who cannot get a high Social Security check may be able to apply for the extra SSI check. This extra payment can be up to $967 per month and only goes to the households of the neediest Americans. If we are eligible for this payment we will have it in our checking account on the 1st of each month, with some exceptions.

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