The Social Security Administration will send 5 new checks in July 2024 with new maximum amounts

Discover the complete schedule of all payments the Social Security Administration will send in July 2024 to eligible beneficiaries

This is the new Social Security calendar for July 2024

This is the new Social Security calendar for July 2024

During the weeks of July, the Social Security Administration will send a total of 5 new checks to United States citizens. While it is true that we may get some of these checks, it is also true that we cannot get all of them.

The maximum number of checks we can get on each month is 2. More than two checks per month is possible, but only in very rare cases. In some months, when Supplemental Security Income arrives early, we can get 3 different checks, but only in those cases.

So if you are expecting to get your July Social Security payment and want to know when the money will be available, you should check the payment schedule and requirements. Only in this way will you have access to all available information. Remember that this payment schedule has official requirements for each day and if we do not meet them it means that our payday is another one.

Schedule of 5 Social Security payments in July

In total, the Social Security Administration will send out the different retirement and Supplemental Security Income payments on 5 different days. On each of these days we can access different checks, whether they are for Disability, retirement or other reasons.

The important thing is to check the requirements. If we meet the requirements, the money will be ours on that day regardless of the amount or type of benefit. Let’s look at the Social Security payment days in July 2024:

Considering that the maximum payment can reach $4,873 we realize that the check is higher than in the previous year 2023. So all of this year’s Social Security benefits increased at the beginning of the year thanks to the COLA. And throughout the year we will have this maximum check.

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