Seniors aged 63-year-old and over will receive the new Social Security payment in few days

The Social Security Administration will send a new check with the next retirement pension payment to pensioner users

The maximum Social Security payment for 2025 will be $5,036

The maximum Social Security payment for 2025 will be $5,036

Sixty-three-year-old retirees in the United States are in for a treat. In just a few days they could receive a new Social Security check in their bank accounts. Whether or not they receive it will depend on meeting a single requirement.

The rest of the retirees who do not meet this requirement will not receive the Social Security check this week, but will receive it in the following weeks. In this way, it is possible to keep track of the days on which retirees receive their paychecks.

This makes financial organization in the household much easier. When a retiree knows the days on which will be paid, that person will not need any extra information at any time to be able to organize their finances. This is a great advantage since no senior loses the opportunity to receive his or her check on time.

The next of the checks that the Social Security Administration will send to age and disability retirees is on January 3srd. On this day, 63-year-old seniors who have an accepted retirement will be able to enjoy the check if they meet only one requirement.

This requirement is related to the retirement year. If the retirement year is before May 1997, the payment day will be January 3rd. On the other hand, if the retiree’s retirement year is after that date, the payment day is on another day. Regardless of the birthday, each retiree will receive the check in January, but will receive it later or earlier depending on the day of his or her birthday.

When will I collect Social Security in January?

January payments are due on the second, third and fourth Wednesday of the month. In 2024, checks will be increased by 3.8% thanks to COLA.
Depending on the day of birth, retirees will collect January Social Security in:

How to collect Social Security

Whether or not you receive your Social Security check on the same day depends on the payment method you have active. On the one hand, we have the Direct Deposit. On the other hand, there is also the possibility of collecting Social Security through the bank account. The first of these methods is immediate while with the second the money can take up to 3 days to reach the pensioner.

Therefore, pensioners belonging to the first group are the next to collect their Social Security check. Thus, if you have your retirement check before May 1997, your Social Security retirement benefit check will arrive in a matter of days if you have activated Direct Deposit.

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