Schedule irregularity brings extra Supplemental Security Income check in August

When there is an irregularity in the schedule, we may find ourselves with an extra check from Supplemental Security Income, as happens in August

Supplemental Security Income will appear one more time in August 2024

Supplemental Security Income will appear one more time in August 2024

Supplemental Security Income payments from the United States Social Security Administration arrive each month to the different beneficiaries. The payment is a monthly benefit and it is not possible to get more than 12 of these payments each year, but it is true that sometimes we may encounter irregularities that advance one of the payments.

However, getting this payment early will mean that in the next month we will not have one of the Supplemental Security Income checks as such. In any case, the important thing in these cases is to know the date of the collection. By knowing this information, we will have the money at our disposal on the day marked on the calendar and we will be able to enjoy our check to the fullest.

Supplemental Security Income extra in August

On August 1st, 2024, the Social Security Administration paid this month’s Supplemental Security Income check. This check arrived on the same day as the payment to those beneficiaries with Direct Deposit activated. A few days later the money appeared in the checking account of those who did not have this collection method activated.

After this payment we will have a new check from Supplemental Security Income in August to be used for whatever we need. This new check will be for a maximum of $943 and will appear in the beneficiaries’ checking accounts before the end of the month. Well, at least it will appear in the checking accounts of those who activate Direct Deposit.

The Social Security Administration will pay this extra Supplemental Security Income check on August 30th. With Direct Deposit, the money will appear immediately. If we do not have this option activated, the money will appear a few days later. Either way, SSA will send an extra SSI check within the month. Whether or not you get it when it is sent depends on whether or not you have this collection option turned on.

Upcoming Supplemental Security Income Payments

The October 30th payment is actually on the September 2024 payment schedule. So in September we will not have a Supplemental Security Income payment if we get it early. This can happen at other times of the year. In fact, it has already happened in 2024 and we will see it happen again before the end of the year.

The next Supplemental Security Income payments in 2024 will be on:

This last payment will have the 2025 COLA included, although we do not yet know what that COLA will be. So, with this information we now know all the irregularities in the timing of the Supplemental Security Income payments before the end of 2024. Remember that with Direct Deposit that money will appear immediately in your checking account. If not, you will have to wait a few days.

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