For this reason you can’t get your July 3rd Social Security check

Only a specific group of Americans can get a July 3rd Social Security check by meeting one requirement

Social Security will send a new retirement check in July 3rd

Social Security will send a new retirement check in July 3rd

The Social Security payment on July 3rd, 2024 will only reach a specific group of households in the United States. To get each of the checks for retirement in America, it is necessary to meet certain requirements. If we meet them, the payment is ours. If not, that is the reason why we cannot get it.

So you should check well the July 3rd payment requirements to know if you will get Social Security on that day or on a different day. Still, there is nothing to worry about in case we do have a retirement check but do not meet those requirements. The Administration will send us this payment anyway, so we just need to look at the full schedule.

July 3rd Social Security Eligibility Requirement

There is only one mandatory requirement in order to be part of the retirees collecting on July 3rd. That requirement is to have a benefit since before May 1997. Retirees who meet this requirement are part of retiree group 1 and always get payment on the 3rd of each month, with some exceptions.

So if you meet this requirement, the July 3rd payment will be for you. While that is true, it is also true that we might not get the Social Security payment on that specific day. It all depends on whether we have activated Direct Deposit as a collection method. If so, the payment will arrive immediately and we won’t have to wait a day longer.

Other Social Security payments in July 2024

After the Social Security payment on this July 3rd, the Administration will send three more payments before the end of the month. These three payments will be on July 10th, 17th and 24th, 2024. Our check will arrive in our pocket on any of these days, so we must look at the requirements to know on which day we will get our payment.

The July 10th Social Security checks will be only for post-May 1997 beneficiaries with birthdays between the 1st and 10th of the month. On the other hand, the 17th will be the collection day for post-May 1997 retirees with birthdays between the 11th and 20th of the month. Finally, in order to get the benefit on the 24th day of July, it is necessary, in addition to having had the check since after May 1997, to have a birthday between the 21st and 31st of any month.

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