Payments for pensioners aged 70 will not arrive until 28 March for these beneficiaries

70-year-old retirees might not get their Social Security retirement check on 26 March 2025 if they are not on the eligible list

Social Security is sending new checks in the next days to some Americans

Social Security is sending new checks in the next days to some Americans

Social Security retirement payments for beneficiaries aged 70 may arrive in the bank accounts of citizens of the United States in the next few hours, but it could also arrive later. The specific day will depend on several factors, but what we must always bear in mind in this regard is the group of retirees and the chosen collection method.

On the one hand, it is true that we could receive the pension payment on 26 March, but on the other hand it is mandatory to have a specific collection method in order to receive it on that day. On top of that, we must be part of pensioner group 4. And the type of pension does not matter in order to be part of this group, nor does the amount we receive matter.

Without a doubt, getting one of these checks can be a relief for retirees, but it is also true that we are dealing with types of checks that can arrive too late in some cases. Each group of retirees receives their payment on a different day and we have to be familiar with the payment schedule to mark the specific day on which we collect the check.

Who doesn’t get Social Security for several days?

In order to get the payment of this last check for the month of March 2025, we have to meet certain conditions. The first is to have had the retirement benefit accepted since after May 1997. The second is to have a birthday between the 21st and 31st of any month.

But we have to add another requirement to get the payment on the same day of the month. That requirement is to have Direct Deposit activated. This method of collection is the fastest of all and having it activated is enough to be able to enjoy any payment of the benefit on the same day it is sent.

Thus, those Americans who are part of retirement group 4 but have not activated this service will not be able to enjoy this payment as such on that day, but will have to wait a little while for it to become available. It usually takes a maximum of 3 days for the money to appear in the current account, so it is possible that by 28th March the money will be available to most American beneficiaries.

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