You will not get a new $1,850 check from Social Security today unless you meet two requirements

The requirements to get the new United States Social Security payments are mandatory in case we want this benefit

Social Security has sent new retirement payments to the first group in June

Social Security has sent new retirement payments to the first group in June

The new Social Security retirement payment will arrive today for thousands of households in the United States where eligible retirees live. The payment arrives today only for some Americans. This is important to keep in mind, as there are very specific requirements that must be met for the payment to arrive in our checking account today.

Likewise, many retirees in the United States have already obtained this check and have it in their checking account. It is possible to have the check on the same day it was sent, which was yesterday, but other requirements must be met.

Be that as it may, what we must keep in mind is that every month we will get the retirement benefit just by having it accepted. Whether we receive the check sooner or later will depend on the Social Security group we belong to and also on the collection method we have chosen.

How do I get my June Social Security check today?

To get the June Social Security check, the first thing we have to do is to belong to group 1 of retirees. To do so, the only requirement we must have is to have applied for the benefit before May 1997. Having this requirement fulfilled, we must have the slowest collection method activated in order to get the payment a day later than the day it is sent.

This collection method we are talking about is the current account deposit. That is to say, we do not have to have Direct Deposit activated if we want to get the check today. In the same way, in the case of being under these conditions, the payment could arrive today or in the next few days. Everything will depend on our bank, since the Social Security Administration has already sent the checks.

Remaining Social Security checks in June 2024

After the first of the June 2024 Social Security payments, which was yesterday on the 3rd of the month, the Administration will be sending out more checks in the coming weeks. Each of these checks is for a specific group.

But those three checks have one specific requirement in common. That requirement is to have the retirement benefit since after May 1997. By having the check since after that specific month, we could get payment on either June 12th, June 18th or June 26th, 2024.

The exact day we will have Social Security will depend on our birthday and, of course, the collection method we have chosen. If we have Direct Deposit, the money will appear immediately. If not, the money will appear a few days later.

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