Millions of United States citizens will not receive next Social Security payment

Millions of United States citizens will not receive next Social Security payment

Millions of United States citizens will not receive next Social Security payment

The next check for Social Security pension payments will only go to United States beneficiaries who are on the list of recipients

A new month on the calendar for people in the United States always means a new Social Security check. However, not every payment day will retirees receive a pensioner’s check. Each group of retirees has an assigned calendar day, and the Social Security Administration divides retirees into two main groups.

Within those two main groups, the second of these groups is further subdivided into three different groups. The next of the Social Security payments is exclusive to one of these three subgroups. Therefore, the first of the large groups will not be able to get the next retirement or disability pensioner’s check.

The two large groups depend on the date of retirement. Thus, one group is composed of pensioners who applied for their pension before 1997. The other group is composed of retirees who applied for Social Security after 1997, regardless of the exact year. So thanks to this information we can determine who will not receive the next payment from the Administration.

Who will not receive the next Social Security check?

The next Social Security payment will not reach the following groups of retirees:

In the case of the first group, pre-1997 retirees, beneficiaries received their benefit on the first Social Security payment of the month. This is on Sep 3, 2024. If your retirement is prior to 1997 and you do not yet have check in your pocket you will likely need to claim the delayed payment.

On the other hand, post-1997 retirees with birthdays between the 1st and 10th received their check last Sep 11. The other group, those born between the 21st and 31st of the month, will have their payment on the last payday of Sept, i.e., the 25th of this month.

Next Check Requirements and Payment Day

Once we know which groups will not receive the next Social Security benefit, it is easier to determine which group will be able to receive it. This group must meet two main requirements:

It is essential that the beneficiary meets these two requirements if the user wants to receive a check in the near future. The exact date on which the money will be sent by the Social Security Administration is the 18th of Sept, that is, next Wednesday.

As for the date of birth, it is not necessary to be born in a specific month in order to determine the date of payment. By this we mean that in order to receive the Sept 18th payment it is not necessary to be born between Sept 11th and Sept 20th. Regardless of the month in which we were born, we will receive the check in the same way in the rest of the months of the year.

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