Before Valentine’s Day arrives in homes across the United States, the Social Security Administration will send new retirement checks to eligible beneficiaries. Getting one of these payments is only possible if we meet certain requirements established by the United States Government.
If we do not meet these requirements, it does not mean that we cannot receive the payment during this month of February, but it does mean that we will not receive it before Valentine’s Day. Remember that the Social Security Administration pays benefits on four different days of the month, so we can receive payment on any of those days without problems.
However, February 12th is the next payment day for retirees with an accepted Social Security payment who are part of group 2. If we are part of that group, we will be able to collect the payment soon. If not, we will have to wait a few days until the check is definitely available.
Who receives the new Social Security?
Payments of the new Social Security benefit will be sent out on February 12, 2025. On this day, any group 2 beneficiary can receive the benefit without complications, although it is true that there is one more requirement to be met in order to have the payment available on the same day.
Thus, we find that it is mandatory to meet three requirements in order to be within the group of beneficiaries who get the payment on February 12th. Pay attention to these Social Security requirements:
- Have a benefit from after May 1997.
- Have a birthday between the 1st and 10th of any month.
- Have Direct Deposit activated as a collection method.
This last requirement is not mandatory to be able to receive the payment on February 12th, but it is necessary to be able to receive the payment on the same day it is sent. To be part of Retiree Group 2, only the first two requirements are mandatory.
More Social Security payments in February
After Valentine’s Day, the Administration will send more retirement checks in the coming weeks. In addition to that, it is possible to get an extra check before the end of the month. Thus, SSI beneficiaries can also collect the March payment within the days of February.
The next Social Security payment days in February are:
- February 19th. Payment for Group 3 retirees.
- February 26th. Payment for Group 4 retirees.
- February 28th. Payment for SSI beneficiaries.
Remember that each group of retirees has different requirements and it is necessary to meet them all in order to access the payment. For the next two payments, it is necessary to have a benefit from after May 1997, but the day of the birthday determines whether you will receive the payment on the 19th or 26th of the month.
With regard to the amount, each retiree gets a maximum payment and the $1,800 check is a guideline. The maximum payment could be $5,180 in 2025, although it is true that not all beneficiaries are eligible to receive such a high amount.