In the United States, at the beginning of the year all United States citizens should be aware that the IRS may send them the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Thanks to this financial facility, United States citizens can enjoy a little extra money for their usual expenses without having to pay it back later.
In addition to that, it also makes tax payments much easier, reducing them so that you don’t have to pay anything to the IRS on your Tax Return. Each case is totally individual and both the Tax Return and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) depend on income, the number of family members and other aspects.
If it is not entirely clear whether we can access the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), we should look at the conditions for eligibility set out by the IRS. But even so, it is true that we can always consult directly at one of the offices or go to a specialist.
Who gets the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) from the IRS?
The truth is that not all Americans who apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) may be eligible. The IRS has very specific requirements for this type of financial help and, at the end of the day, you need to have a low income.
To be eligible for the IRS Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), it is necessary not to exceed certain income limits, depending on the category in which we fall. In addition, it also influences whether we submit the tax return individually or as a married couple.
Thus, citizens who apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) individually must take these income limits into account:
- If you do not have children: $18,591
- With 1 child: $49,084
- With 2 children: $55,768
- With 3 or more children: $59,899
However, we must also bear in mind that if we apply for the EITC to the IRS as a couple, the figures change:
- If we have no children. $25,511
- With 1 child. $56,004
- With 2 children. $62,688
- With 3 or more children. $66,819
The income we will get is a maximum of $7,830, but it is true that the IRS sends each of these checks with a different amount depending on the situation of each family.