Tax Season 2025 of the IRS in the United States has already begun, which means that many of the taxpaying citizens already have their Tax Refund in their current accounts. However, a large number of United States citizens have not yet been able to get this new payment from the United States Government for many different reasons.
If you are waiting to receive a Tax Refund from the IRS, it could be available to you in the coming weeks, but it all depends on several different factors. So, there are many Americans today who have already sent in their Tax Return but have not yet received their payment. But there is no need to worry, as it is possible to get your Tax Refund soon if you are eligible.
Requirements to receive your 2025 IRS Tax Refund
Although we are in the middle of Tax Season, since it has only been open for a month, the IRS has already sent a large number of Tax Refunds. So you may find that you could have the check on its way to your house or that you have already received the payment via Direct Deposit into your checking account.
But if you haven’t received this Tax Refund from the IRS, it may be for one of the following reasons:
- You have not yet submitted your Tax Return.
- You have not correctly submitted your Tax Return documentation to the IRS.
- You have taxes pending from previous years.
- The IRS has to check your Tax Return.
- You have submitted your Tax Return in physical format.
Therefore, we find that an essential requirement for being able to have a Tax Refund in 2025 is that we do not owe taxes to the IRS in previous years. In addition, another requirement is to have sent the Tax Return, since some Americans have not yet sent it.
In case you have already sent it, remember that you have to wait a few weeks until you can have the money available, if you are eligible. The Where is my Refund tool is very useful for more information.
When does the IRS Tax Season 2025 end?
Although Tax Season 2025 has been open since January of this year, taxpayers can send their documentation to the IRS until April 15th, 2025. This means that there are still more than two months to get all the documents together and send them on time.
Thus, citizens who send their documentation as soon as possible will be able to get their Tax Refund as soon as possible, if they are eligible. The truth is that it is advisable to send the documentation electronically in order to speed up the process of sending all the documents.
As for the amounts, each American gets a different amount depending on everything related to our taxes, so it is impossible to determine the average Tax Refund amount in 2025 until the IRS Tax Season is over.