If you are waiting for your IRS Tax Refund, you could get it on one of these days, according to your Tax Return

The day we send in our tax return determines the day the IRS sends us our tax refund via direct deposit and we can find out an estimated date

Find out if you will get the new Stimulus check from the IRS in the next weeks

Find out if you will get the new Stimulus check from the IRS in the next weeks

With more than half of last Tax Season now behind us, many citizens of the United States have already managed to receive their Tax Refund without any problems. However, many others are still waiting for the IRS to send them the tax-related stimulus check. To find out exactly when we will receive the payment, we need to take into account the day on which we submitted the Tax Return.

Similarly, the collection method we have chosen to receive the payment also greatly affects when we get the Tax Refund. At the end of the day, the IRS sends these stimulus checks on different days, but whether or not we receive it immediately depends on whether or not we have Direct Deposit activated. Remember that activating it is optional, but having it activated ensures that we get the payment on the same day it is sent.

Upcoming IRS Tax Refunds

The exact day on which we can obtain the IRS Tax Refund is not determined at any time. This means that we cannot know 100% when we are going to obtain the payment from the IRS, but we can have a slight idea. The Tax Refund usually arrives around 3 weeks later from the moment we send the Tax Return.

That’s why we should follow this indicative calendar:

Once the IRS sends the money, if we have Direct Deposit activated we will be able to have the Tax Refund money immediately. If we don’t have it activated, the payment arrives a few days later from the day it is sent, but we will still have it shortly afterwards without any problems.

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