On February 12, 2025, United States citizens with an accepted Social Security check could receive a new retirement payment. In order to receive this new check, it is only necessary to meet certain requirements related to the year of retirement and the day of birth.
Therefore, we don’t have to meet many more requirements to be able to have this money in our checking account. The Social Security Administration will issue this check on February 12th, but getting it sooner or later will also depend on the collection method we choose.
In short, what we have to take into account is whether our Social Security check is accepted from before May 1997 or from after. This month is key to determining whether we are part of group 1 of retirees or groups 2, 3 and 4.
Thus, payments to pensioners prior to May 1997 are always issued on the 3rd day of each month, with some exceptions. The other groups, 2, 3 and 4, are those made up of pensioners after May 1997. And on February 12th, Social Security will send new checks to these group 2 beneficiaries.
How to be eligible for Social Security on February 12th?
The truth is that by fulfilling only two requirements, the Social Security Administration will pay us this check into our checking account on the established day. But in order to have the money on February 12th, we will have to have Direct Deposit activated as our collection method.
Leaving the collection method aside, the requirements to be able to form part of group 2 and, therefore, get Social Security on this day are:
- To have been receiving a Social Security benefit since after May 1997.
- Be born between the 1st and 10th day of any month.
The day of birth is fundamental in order to determine whether we get the payment earlier, on February 12th, or later, in any of the following weeks of the month. Remember that the maximum payment in February 2025 will be $5,180, but not all Americans get such a high Social Security payment.