Earn up to $3,000 for this side job - you only need one hour a week

Earn up to $3,000 for this side job – you only need one hour a week

Teenagers and adults can also earn thousands each month with a simple part-time job

Teenagers, or anyone who wants to, have the opportunity to earn more than $3,000 a year working on the lawn, spending just one hour a week. Learning the value of money and work ethic from an early age can lay the foundation for future success.

Many children start with summer jobs or side activities before they are fully integrated into the working world. These first steps help them gain experience and learn the value of money from an early age.

Logan Ski, a self-proclaimed financial expert, has shared some ideas on lucrative side activities that teens can consider to start building their wealth. According to Ski, landscaping is one of the most popular options for young people.

In a YouTube video, Ski explained that landscaping is a “perfect side hustle” for teens. He noted that the job offers several advantages: payment is made immediately upon completion of the task, multiple jobs are possible in a single day, and it’s relatively easy to attract repeat customers.

Some teens can get started at no cost by borrowing a lawn mower or rake from neighbors or parents.

A job to earn an extra salary of up to US$6,000

Ski recommended charging $40 to $70 per lawn mowing, which is about 50 percent less than what professional landscaping companies typically charge.

A job to earn an extra salary of up to US$6,000
A job to earn an extra salary of up to US$6,000

If you do the work once a week for a client and charge $70 per session, you could make $3,640 a year. In addition, Ski mentioned that each lawn mowing takes about an hour, making it easy to get several jobs done in a single day.

In the comments, one viewer mentioned that he had been landscaping for a year and a half and, at 14, had earned nearly $6,000, including the purchase of expensive equipment to do the job.

“We’re charging around $25 to mow, although the price can vary depending on the size and length of the area. Although it is much cheaper than what professional companies charge, we have more than 20 regular customers, so we are never short of work,” they commented.

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