Throughout the United States, Daylight Saving Time will also take effect in 2025. It is true that not all states will make this daylight saving time change, but a large majority of them will. Therefore, we should be aware of everything related to this change to avoid all kinds of related problems. If we do not have the clock set to the correct time, we will not be able to follow our usual daylight saving time.
Be that as it may, the important thing in these cases is that in most devices the change is automatic, since computers, smartphones and smartwatches are connected to the internet. However, it is true that many devices do not have this connection, so we will have to make the change manually. That is why it is so important to know all the details of the Daylight Saving Time 2025.
When will the Daylight Saving Time be in 2025?
In most states we will have to make changes to our clocks in March 2025. It is true that the United States Government has talked on more than one occasion about eliminating Daylight Saving Time, but for the time being it is still running in the current year.
To be exact, Daylight Saving Time will start on March 9 at 2:00 a.m., with the clocks going forward one hour to 3:00 a.m.. This will give us more daylight for the rest of the year, although there are some Americans who do not agree with the change.
However, some states, such as Arizona, do not apply Daylight Saving Time, so in that case we don’t have to do anything about it. If we live in a state that does have to change the time, we must be careful not to make mistakes, as there have been cases in which some citizens have not updated their clocks and have arrived late for work.