This coin can help you pay for your home renovation: it’s not as rare as it looks and could be in your pocket

Collector coins can be everywhere and you could unknowingly have one worth around $9,000 at auction

A rare coin could be sold for a lot of money

Having collectible coins at home is more common than it seems. In the United States, many United States citizens have coins in their drawers and pockets that they don’t know they can sell for a little more than usual. If we don’t know the details that make these coins special, we could be losing a good deal of money.

If you are renovating your home or need to replace your car with a new one, it is possible that a rare coin with a high value could be the economic solution you are looking for. Still, some coins may not sell for as high a value as others, but it’s still an extra income that is always welcome.

The 1940 Mercury Dime for Sale

The truth is that some coins are much rarer than others, so it is normal for some to have a higher value. In the case of this Mercury Dime, we are dealing with a coin from the 1940’s. In this sense, around 21.5 million coins were minted, so originally it was not very rare to see them.

Find out if you have this Mercury Dime coin
Find out if you have this Mercury Dime coin

Even so, with the passing of time they have become a rare coin and it is normal to see bids that make collectors pay around 9,000 dollars for them. To be exact, some auctions have paid as much as $8,519, so all in all it is still a very high value for a single coin.

The Mercury Dime shows an olive branch with fasces on the reverse. On the obverse, it shows a young Liberty with a winged helmet. If you have one of these coins at home, don’t hesitate to sell it because it can fix your financial situation, at least in the short term.

At Tododisca we do not buy or sell coins. To sell coins you must go to an auction house.

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