The Social Security Administration is sending an extra check in August

The Social Security Administration is sending an extra check in August

Every American with benefit could get an extra Social Security check of $943

In the coming days, the Social Security Administration will pay an extra check of up to $943 for thousands of eligible citizen beneficiaries

The benefits sent by the United States Social Security are a really important element in American households. Many of the citizens have no other source of income apart from these monthly benefits, so knowing at what time of the month we can get them is key to be able to make a proper monthly budget.

Even so, we can sometimes run into irregularities in these payment schedules, resulting in beneficiaries not being able to have their Social Security payment, regardless of the type of benefit, on the usual day. And in the case of August we have an extra check, which causes us to have one less check in September.

Extra $943 Social Security check

In order to get this extra Social Security benefit we will need to meet just a couple of conditions. However, if we have not yet applied for this check, we will have to wait until the Administration fully accepts the monthly benefit. The payment of this benefit arrives on the 1st of each month, but there are exceptions if there are irregularities in the calendar.

For this reason, it is possible to get the payment of $943 of this benefit, whose name is Supplemental Security Income, this August before the end of the calendar. The collection day will be the 30th of the month and getting it on the same day is only possible if Direct Deposit is activated as a collection method. This method is the fastest of all and thanks to it we will not have to wait even one day to have the money available.

The two requirements to be able to apply for this extra monthly Social Security check are the following:

  1. Have low monthly income, as well as low resources.
  2. Be at least 65 years old. It is also possible to apply if you have a disability.

In order to get this check we must meet both requirements, but it is important to keep in mind that the Social Security Administration will make an individual study of each application. Thus, the payment of this benefit will depend directly on the income we have.

The higher the income, the lower the Supplemental Security Income payment. Thus, if we take all this into account, we can get a payment of up to 943 dollars, but everything will depend on what we have mentioned before.

The collection day will be August 30th, 2024, but the usual for this type of benefit is to get the payment on the 1st of the month. Also the method of collection will determine whether we get the money earlier or later. But what is certain is that the Social Security Administration will pay this check early in the month of September, since the 1st of the month will be a weekend.

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