All dates of Social Security payments in July – Check requirements to get them

Discover the complete schedule of Social Security payments in July in order to organize your household finances as efficiently as possible

Social Security calendar in July follows some rules

Social Security calendar in July follows some rules

If you are expecting to receive the new Social Security payment in July you can now know the exact day you will get the benefit. This new retirement check will have payments for United States citizens arriving within just a few days.

At the very least, Social Security checks may arrive in the first week of July for a specific group of Americans. What’s more, we may even get two Social Security payments in the first week of the month if we meet certain requirements.

Social Security payments in July 2024

The July 2024 Social Security payment days will be 5 in total. The first payment is for Supplemental Security Income recipients. The second payment of this benefit is for retirees, as well as the third, fourth, and fifth payments.

A single beneficiary can get a maximum of two Social Security payments, the Supplemental Security Income payment and one of the other four remaining payments. But the requirements for each of these payments must be met.

The payment on July 1st is the Supplemental Security Income payment. This payment is the first of all payments and is only for Supplemental Security Income recipients. We can get a maximum check of $943 and it is compatible with any of the other Social Security checks.

After that payment we will have four more payments, although these are for Social Security retirement. The first of these other payments is on July 3rd. To get this payment you must have had the benefit since before May 1997. There is no other extra requirement.

The next payment after that will be on July 10th. This payment will be for beneficiaries after May 1997. In addition, it is mandatory to have a birthday between the 1st and 10th of any month. But this will not be the last payment of the month.

We will have two more payments on the 17th and 24th of July. Both payments also have as a requirement to have the payment since after May 1997. In addition, the 17th payment is for retirees with birthdays between the 11th and 20th of the month. Finally, the payment on July 24th is for beneficiaries with birthdays between the 21st and 31st of any month.

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